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Our Story

Fun Football Parties Surrey
Fun Football Parties Surrey
Fun Football Parties Surrey
Fun Football Parties Redhill
Fun Football Parties Reigate

It all started with our little boy's wish "I  really really really want to have a football party please!"

NB: There was no other option i.e. like a laser blast or bowling) as he has been football obsessed for a while now!

However booking the football party  was easier said than done ha ha.
As Covid has made it impossible to socialise for a long while (for many of us) and we missed many family & friends celebrations so this year we set ourselves a task to organise a memorable one and definitely full of fun, fun, fun and even more of fun!

At the end all our efforts turned out fantastic BUT it was a time consuming and somewhat 'challenging' process.

Then we thought why not to make it easier for others???!

We love children and a great party, and we already know everything about football:

Jacques is a FA qualified football coach! and Joanna has researched hundreds of football theme party bits suppliers, blogs, post and you name it !


Our mission is to provide a fantastic party for your child and make it stress free for you to organise one!

Meet The Team

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Jacques Muller

Head Coach

FA trained

First Aid course

Safeguarding course

DBS checked



Joanna Srokosz-Muller

Manager / Coach

Safeguarding course

DBS checked



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Victor Muller

Our child & inspiration

Loves everything football




We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for everyone at our parties so they can participate in football in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.

Fun Football Parties positive

Please read and respect our   RULES OF PLAY  . Thank you.

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